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Basic- monthly categorization of income, expenses, reconciliation of bank and credit cards, cash basis reporting


Premium- weekly categorization of income, expenses, reconciliation of bank and credit card accounts, cash basis reporting


Controller Review- accountant review of financial data for completeness and accuracy.  Accural based accounting to provide a deeper level of reporting.  Worker’s Comp and Insurance Audit assistance as well as Tax Accountant requests.


Invoicing and Receivables – get invoices to your customers on time and accurate.  Basic collection and payment application procedures.    


Payables and Bill Pay- we’ll tracking your payables and can even help getting payment to vendors


Cost Accounting- for inventory based mfgs, services and divisional companies.


Sales/Rental Tax Filings- want to automate this process?  Let us handle it for you.


Document Rentention


Payroll Assistance

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